3Cs Requirement

The 3Cs stand for Communication, Career, and Community. You can fulfill this requirement in a number of ways. 

You only have to do one of these to graduate.


Option 1- Professional Communications

Students who take Professional Communications fulfill this requirement by passing the semester-long course. No additional paperwork is needed.


Option 2- EXPLORE Career Post

Students can fulfill this requirement by completing a Career Post through OmahaExploring.org. Students who wish to use this option to meet this requirement must register and pay (if payment is required) for the course, attend all scheduled meetings, and fill out all appropriate paperwork. Career Post offerings vary in length, cost and activity and commitment level. Students are responsible for understanding and meeting the requirements of any OmahaExploring.org post for which they register. Upcoming posts can be viewed and students may register at www.omahaexploring.org. Students must fill out the Explore Post Attendance Form and turn it in within one month of the conclusion of their experience.

Option 3- Service Hours

Students can meet the requirement by completing 50 hours of applicable community service and turning in the paperwork. Service hours must be with a scheduled nonprofit organization. Forms are available from Mrs. Guynan or here. Students are responsible for seeking out appropriate opportunities and turning the paperwork in on time. Failure to do so could mean hours are not counted. If a student does not know if their event would count, they should contact Mrs. Guynan. Students who choose to complete 150 hours will earn the Silver Cord to wear at graduation. Please read the Service Guidelines to learn more. 

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